Is a classic 3D Sci-Fi shooting sidescroller where quick tactics and skills need to be in harmony the beat the game.
A run-and-gun shooter with both mouse and keyboard controls at the same time.
An adventure game with an emotional story and epic game-play, it's a game for PC, Mac and Linux.
In CortexGear AngryDroids, you play as:
An alien (main character) hacker who take control of a CortexGear (A robot with an implanted brain) in order to eradicate angry droids.
The alien is one of the last survivors from a Cortex war (A war based on hacking the opponent) against the AngryDroids.
The alien
is also from an upgraded generation of CortexSoldiers (Soldier with great hacking abilities), the generation that ended the ultimate
CortexWar against mankind. Discover the extra-terrestrial true origin through the game’s story, in a world infested by angry droids.
CortexGear: AngryDroids is a challenging action-adventure game where you have to think logically to find your enemy's weaknesses,
to trick your enemies with traps and solve draconic puzzles.
You will also be hacking computers, master the use of tricks and combos, because the places are vast and hostile.
The way forward is not always clear, and death will meet you as soon as you let your guard down, but be brave, fight
well and explore carefully, because droids are angry, and share none of your weak human emotions. No pity.
Developer: ''As my first game,I wanted to show people what we can do with a free game software, basic scripting, no model, but only (Spheres, Squares, Cylinders & Capsules), Audacity, Gimp and can still make a good game with a nice game-play,great story and style. My goal is to show that good graphics doesn't make a good game. I think that most of the games these days focus on graphics and techniques, which is good, but I think a game need more and basics stuff to be a good one: A story, gameplay and style. Unfortunately for me, before you buy this game, i'm selling you the corrupted version of my broken lost back-up, but hey, it's still an amazing game! And i love it, thanks for the support!''
Developer,Storyboard Artists,Character Artists,Level Designers,Texture Artists,Sound/Audio,Testers:
Jordan Benoit-AncionSound/Audio:
Efe Tozan